
The Bloody Badger

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Literature Text

The year was 1828; it was June 20th on a warm and muggy day in central New York.  Through it ran the Erie Canal, a hard and relentless effort that took nearly 57 years to accomplish.  It ran through dense forests with its peaceful towpath on the side for donkeys and mules.  With boats traveling around 55 miles per hour across the state of New York toward the great lakes to make shipments of goods much easier and not so tax heavy during the time.  But it is lesser known of the stories that occurred around the Erie Canal, though it was a great path for shipments of goods but it brought upon a new chapter in American History.  
It was on that day of June 20th that a black boat moved in the Canal, it was being pulled by two very large black mules.  This boat was not any ordinary boat, but seemed to be that of the sea then of any canal or river.  Amongst the boat was only one man; he himself was a twinkle of a star in the vast void of space.  Walking on deck he had only one leg, the other leg had been severed off and in it's place was what seemed to be a carved wooden peg that was made to look like an eagles claw.  A bright red beard accumulated his face and long red hair fell down to his shoulders.  His clothes were loose due to the heat; he wore a large hat to hide from the sun.  Three copper teeth could be seen in his top and bottom rows, they shined in the sun.  A scar ran from his right ear over his right eye and stopped at his nose, seemed to be a swordsman's scar.  Amongst his belt were four pistols and three swords, a large amount of metal could be heard with ever step he made.  On his foot was one large boot, it was brown but had designs resembling Native American tribes.  Especially tribes in the rocky mountains of Wyoming, they were excellent craftsmen.  This man was called many names but one name he took a liking to was Captain Herbert Halvor or Halvor for short.  Many new him as Halvor the Heretic, or Halvor the Hell Hound.  Many of the nicknames didn't bring out the best of him, for he did have a rebellious attitude about him.  On this day in June the 20th he walked upon his boat singing a song to his liking.  

"Argh hath I'd be on Clinton's Bitch Ditch

Of which thither be no Stitch

That could settle an itch

Yer prostate doth be smelling of fish"

He giggled to himself as he pulled some Puerto Rican rum out of the boats cabin and began to swig it down.  Some of the rum stained his beard, the strong odor perspiring from his mouth.  Up ahead there was an Inn, it was quite large seemed to look as if it had a very popular bar.  A sign came up on the side of the Canal; it had a carving of what looked like a Badger on the side.  The title read, "The Bloody Badger", Halvor smirked to himself thinking it sounded like a butcher shop.  Moving his eagle claw of a leg up and down the boat, he found out he was actually low on some of his resources.  Luckily he had a decent amount of trade and money to get at least a couple of barrels of food.  Stopping the boat and pulling it aside to the lock barracks he paid the four teenagers a good wager as they took care of his mules and his boat.  Caring a bag of luggage over his shoulder he walked to 'The Bloody Badger', a nice little place right next to the canal.  Limping on his eagle leg he through open the doors and walked in.  There was music playing, the bar was full of people manly from the nearby town.  Some from the canal, not very many though, they drank and chatted to each other.  Some looked at Havlor but no one stared, they feared judgment if they did so.  Havlor limped up to the main desk, a young woman stood behind it writing in a large book of records.  When she realized he was there staring at her she jumped up with a fright.
"Pardon me sir I didn't know you were there, can I help…
"Aye that be marry me lady thou art the keeper of this saucy landlubber den"?
"Yes, I'm to assume you are here to stay the night"?
"Aye", Havlor looked around stroking his red beard.
"Well we have room 28 on the second floor, that will be"….
Just before she finished Havlor placed a large sac of coins on the desk.  She grabbed the bag and riffled through it.  
"Well that will do, and I will give you some extra services as well".
"Thankeee me lady".
"Here is your key sir, down the hallway first door on the right".
Havlor grabbed the key and gimped all the way to the door, a copper smile on his face as he looked amongst the many new faces.  Many didn't stare but they were all very intimidated by him, not stared long in fact many tried to avoid him.  He clunked up to the stares to room 28, it was a nice room; it faced the canal and the vast forest beyond touching the sunset.  Sitting at the desk he immediately pulled out his journal and inked his pen.  Writing the events that had occurred that day, as to help his memory in remembering the past.  Letting the pages dry he changed his clothes, he smelled like the canal, he then ventured down to the bar.  His peg leg stomped the wood floor with every step he took.  A smile of copper spread across his face as he stepped off of the last step on the staircase, he gasped for air.  Strolling over to the bar he sat down on one of the cushioned stools with a thud.  Some dust blew in the air, almost making it seem as if he farted.  People stared, a bit more repulsed then than they were when they first saw him.  It had begun to storm outside; the windows were hit with large globs of rain.  
"Aye I seem to have missed the showers".
"Indeed you have, we've had a lot lately.  So what can I get you, Mr.?"
"Havlor, not a common name amongst these parts I'm sure, whisky if you've got it".
"Indeed we do, here you go", the bar tender poured him some and slid the glass to his hand."
Havlor grabbed the glass greedily and slurped down a quarter of the drink.  As he drank the front door opened, in came the storm itself.  The wind seemed to catch everyone's attention, lighting struck outside illuminating the traveler who came in.  Rain poured through the doorway, getting a radius of three feet around the door-soaking wet.  The traveler shut the door and uncovered their hood.  It was a woman, she had black hair and big brown eyes; she looked young but not too young.  Stepping to the front desk to make a reservation, Havlor heard her voice, she was French; she paid in francs.  It was surprising that the housekeeper even accepted the money.  Looking around a doorman took her bags and brought them up to her room.  Looking around she sat at the bar only a couple of stools away from Havlor.  She ordered some red wine, sipping the glass when it came to her.  She looked over at Havlor, he responded with a nice copper grin.  A cold presence seemed to be given off by her, she smiled but there was something about the smile that brought a chill in Havlor's bones.  
"So what brings a woman like you around these parts", asked Havlor.
"I'm on my way to Chicago, Illinois".
"Aye, and what be in Chicago that would attract such a lady as yourself"?
"Cathedrals, there are many new Cathedrals being built".
"Argh, and yer occupation be"?
"I'm a stone carver, one of the best that France has to provide".
"Aye I see must be paid a pretty penny for a job like that".
"Indeed I do, and what brings you here"?
"Ha! Aye be a bit lost, been trying to get to the Atlantic Ocean on about 271 days now, I think I'm getting close; ha!"
"Well I wish you well on your journey, and your name is"?
"Aye I dus be Havlor," he said sticking his hand out to shake.
She grasped his hand and shook it; her hand was as cold as snow itself.  It was amazing how she was alive; it felt as if she were dead.
"My lady, you be as cold as the night".
"Oh I think that's just traveling in this hideous weather.  Well wine always gets to me; I think I'll be off to bed.  My name by the way is Minerva, it was nice to meet you Havlor".
"Aye pleasant dreams me lady", Havlor said giving another copper grin.

She grabbed her coat and headed up the steps in her loud black boots.  Once she left Havlor turned to the bar tender.
"Aye she be as cold as me mothers dead heart", he said chuckling.
"We don't get too many foreigners around here, you and her just about made our quota for the month.  She's different thought, very different; something strange about her".
"Dus could be the fact she's French", Havlor said continuing to chuckle.  Well that'll do it for me tonight, have a nice night mate".
"Good night Havlor", the bar tender said as he started putting the stools on the counter.  Havlor picked up his peg leg and began to stumble back up to his room.  As he brought himself up the stairs he came back to his lonely dark room.  Opening the door he shut it with his eagle leg.  Pounding to his desk he opened his diary, inking his pen he began to write what had occurred during his day.  Then looking out his window he saw a glow of light, there were torches.  It must have been five or six men, he squinted his eyes to see.  The sun had not set yet, enough light still poured through the valley so you could see; so the torches were pointless.  Then Havlor noticed they were heading for the house, he grabbed his pistol and his sword.  Havlors sword was a silver blade with a red-branched design on it, the handle of the blade were two silver hands cupping themselves.  Drawing the sword Havlor went to the door and opened it just a crack.   Listening for the men, he heard them begin to bang on the down stairs door.  Havlor wasn't in the best of shape, hence the pistols on his belt.  You could always tell how old a pirate was by how many pistol he had, if he had none then he was in the prime of his life.  But a lazy pirate is carrying a cannon just to get you away from you.
Havlor was breathing heavy, a couple of knocks rang on the down stairs door and it crashed opened.  Torchlight filled the room; Havlor took the opportunity and slowly went down the stairs.  By what he heard he guessed maybe five men, maybe four; nothing he couldn't handle.  Havlor managed to hit the bottom of the stairs as quietly as possible.  Peering through the crack in the door he glanced through.  He saw no one, but there was torchlight, yes there was definitely torchlight.  'I swear I saw at least four or five out the window', he thought.  'They must be running around throughout the house', Havlor saw one-man pass by the door.  An average sized man holding a torch and a pistol in his other hand.  'I'll have to be quick', Havlor said.  Holding his sword and one hand on his pistol, he breathed slow and closed his eyes.  Kicking the door with his peg leg he slashed his sword at the man's pistol.  It fell to the ground in two pieces, Havlor held his pistol up to the man's head.
"What dus you be a doing here mate", Havlor gave him his copper grin.
"Oh Jeezzzzus, nothing at all, we've come for a person".
"Aye, and thou saucy matey have the nerve of breaking thine door down, why not just knock; argh"?
"Well ah, you see it's not as simple as you think and we only have so much time before"…
"Before what"?
"It's already too late, the sun's set; I'm sorry we best be leaving".
"Oh no, thy not leaving until I best be getting answers, argh", Havlor said pointing the pistol at his head.  The man was young, with a small scraggly brown beard, and nervous.  The others came in the room, there were only two others, they looked about the same; but did pose a threat.  
"We don't have any quarrels with you sir, we'll just be on our way", said one of the men.
"Yes but you be having quarrels with someone else, I intend to know who that is.  Thy not be leaving until I know, and I think you best not want to quarrel with me".
"We can't tell you that".
"Really", Havlor grabbed ahold of the man who he held his pistol at and threw him out the door.  "Then get out", Havlor said holding his sword in the direction of the door.  The two other men drew their swords, holding their ground.
"This is the last time old, whatever you are; stand out of our way".
"Argh, so a pair of pups such as yourself want to take on a bull?  So be it, I've fought worst".  Havlor pulled his pistol out and fired while swinging his sword, his tactics were not like many others but were very effective.  The two men swung swords at Havlor while dogging his bullets.  The man who had been thrown out rested on his arms in the grass.  Looking at the house he could see flashes of light coming from inside, and the sound of gunshots and steel.  He drew his pistol and approached the house.  Looking in through the broken door Havlor's back was exposed to him, as he fought the others.  He pointed his pistol at Havlor, pulling the trigger nothing happened.  He bent down to look at his gun, something was wrong.  There was a strange bite mark in the barrel; it went right through the metal.
"How the hell did that happen", said the man as he felt warm drool cover his shoulder.  A face of disgust obscured his head as he wiped the drool off of his shoulder.  Looking up he saw a terrifying creature of which he screamed but only for a few seconds.  He was lifted into the air and disappeared from existence.
Havlor and the two men continued fighting, unknowing of what had happened only a few feet away from them.  Grabbing ahold of one of the men Havlor picked him up and threw him out the door with one arm.  The man squealed as he hit the cool grass outside.  Havlor swung his sword at the other man inside and stumbled on his peg leg outside drawing his pistol.  He fired a shot into the ground next to where the man lay.  Swinging his sword at the other man trying to keep him off of his back.  The man lying on the ground rolled over to find a shoe, he picked it up puzzled.  
"Hey, Hey", the man said lying on the ground to Havlor and the other man.
They both stopped puzzled looking over to him lying on the ground, lowering their weapons.
"Where's Billy", he said holding up a shoe.  Just as he had said that a loud screech filled the sky, it was like lighting.  It was very alien, and frightening all at once.  The hairs on all of their necks stood up, the man lying on the ground dropped the shoe and began to run inside.  Havlor was left standing outside as the other two made for the house.  Lights began to illuminate the upper stories; people were beginning to wake up from the commotion they had caused.   The screech from the creature continued to echo over the countryside.  
"Aye, what is this"?
"Well ugh, we"….
"Speak", Havlor said as he put his meat hooks around the man's throat.  "Or by god I'll throw you back out there so you can deal with it".
"We were sent here as bounty hunters".
"Argh, you'd be the worst I've ever dealt with; who'd you be hunting"?
"A Woman".
"That's it, just a woman"?
"Well, she's from France".
"I've seen her, what do you intend to do with her"?
"We were hired to capture her and bring her to our employer".
"What is it about her that you need"?
"She's dangerous, that's all we know".
"Argh, so all you are knowing is yer employer hired you to find a dangerous French gal"?
"What's going on down here", said a tall thin man with a mustache.  "I am Rodolfo Graham, the owner of the Bloody Badger.  Now I want some answers what is going on here", he said holding a rifle in his pajamas.
"Aye, they'd be the ones you be a questioning", Havlor said giving a copper grin as he pointed to the two scared boys.  The two boys pulled their pistols out and pointed them at Rodolfo.
"What happened to Billy"?
"Whose Billy, who are you", said Rodolfo.  Now the two men were pointing their guns at Rodolfo as he pointed his rifle at them.
"What do you have some wolf out there or something eating people"?
"I don't know of any such thing, now who are you state your names"?
"Why should we, we came for a French girl.  Now step outside we'll get her and be on our way".
"Any guest staying here is my responsibility, I can't let you do that".
"Aye, neither can I", Havlor said pointing his gun at the two boys.
"Who are you", said Rodolfo.
"Aye I'd just be another guest who fain be enjoying your hospitality".
"Right, well boys if you don't leave here in five seconds I will open fire, and god have mercy on what happens to yeah".
"As will I", Havlor said holding his pistol.
"We have our orders", said one of the boys.  Their faces didn't change, their eyes stayed keen and unmoving.  Dead silence filled the room as they stared each other down.  Sweat poured down their foreheads.  They were unmoving, not even the quietest release of carbon dioxide would disturb their silence.  
All at once the room was full of lead, bright lights filled the room like lighting striking the ground.  Screams and blood filled the walls, as smoke obscured the room.  Rodolfo fell to the ground dead with his rifle in his hands.  Havlor fell with a bullet wound in the shoulder.  One of the boys fell dead with two rifle shots to the neck, as the other boy fell to a rifle shot to his leg.  Blood filled the floor; those guests who were left in the house stayed in their rooms for fear of being killed.  The boy who was left alive gimped to the staircase.  Havlor pulled himself up, his eagle leg holding his body straight.  The boy had made it half way up the stairs; blood stained the steps as he crawled up.
"Aye boy, I wouldn't", said Havlor holding his pistol.
"Get back", the boy said as he fired his pistol.  It just missed Havlor but he fell startled by how close it was.  Landing on his back, pain erupted throughout his body.  The boy had made it to the top of the stairs and began to go to the rooms; Havlor could hear him breaking doors down.
"I know your hear Minerva, come out", screamed the boy.  The sounds of doors being broken in continued through out the up stairs hall.  
Havlor shook his head and sat upright.
"Aye, I'd be needing a good drink after this.  Or a sturdy girl, or both, either way I'd be done with land for a while".  Havlor stood up and hobbled up the staircase with his sword in one hand and pistol in the other.  He stumbled over a step, catching his balance as his sword hit the wall; it gave a loud metallic clang as it vibrated from the impact.  He grunted and continued onward, making the last step it felt as if he had reached the pinnacle of a mountain.  Looking down the up stairs hall, the boy wasn't in in sight.  All he saw were droplets of blood on the floor staining the rug, and doors that had been splintered to bits from the impact of a boot.  
"Son of a Scurvy Lubber, I'm too late", Havlor hobbled to Minerva's room just in case there was a chance he could do some good.  The droplets of blood led straight to it, the door had been broken in.  Using his sword he pushed the remains of the door open.  Thrusting his pistol inside he found the boy; he stood next to the window.  It was open; the curtains were fluttering in the summer nights wind.  His leg stood at an odd angle as he held his pistol one hand.  As he heard Havlor enter he sprung around and pointed his pistol at him.
"Where is she, where did she go"?
"Aye, I don't know, why is she so important"?
"It isn't any of your business, now where is she"?
"Put your gun down, argh damn it put it"…..
Before he could finish his sentence the sound of steps came from the staircase.
"There be any one else with yeah"?
"No, well I don't know what happened to Billy".
"He probably took off in fright, we're not alone.  Now put he gun down ere we get in another gun show".  The boy put his gun down, still standing with his hurt leg at an awkward angle; he leaned against the windowsill.  Just as he lowered his weapon the door burst open knocking Havlor on his side, he split the writing desk in half.  Havlor saw something big come in, every step it made sounded like stone.   The boy brought his pistol up and fired at hit, the thingt grunted and jumped at the boy.  Havlor turned over to see it; it had fur like a tiger.  An intricate design covered it's back the color was that of a dark purple.  The fur ended near its neck where it had a large scaly face full of horns and spikes.  It's feet were claws that rolled on the ground; the tail had a claw for itself like a scorpion.  Light actually emerged from the eyes, the mouth, and the nostrils, a green light.  This creature devoured the man right in front of Havlor.  Bright green light and blood covered the window as the boy screamed for one the last time.  Havlor held his sword, pulling out a necklace with a ring on it.  Looking at the ring he kissed it and tucked it back into his shirt.  Dropping the body the creature turned, and faced Havlor in the corner of the room.  It was as if it knew he was there it just didn't feel like acknowledging him.  Havlor stood upright from the wreckage of the desk, standing proud on his eagle leg looking the creature in its face.  It had a face that was similar to a fox's but had the scales and similarities to a snake.  Opening its mouth, the green light emerged and hit Havlor.  A feeling of inner peace fell over him; it was as if he had just come back from the bar from a long night of drinking.  He felt as he had felt when his first son had been born, the day he had said goodbye to his wife.  Then he blinked, the creature still stood before him giving off this green light.  It was the light, shielding his eyes he looked away.
"Well, hello dear", Havlor lunged himself at the creature and they both went through the window falling twelve feet.  Havlor landed on the creature and rolled to his side, the creature screamed and turned over to him, large bat like wings emerged from it's back.  With one long claw it grabbed Havlor and began to flap it's wings.
"Oh no you don't", Havlor said as he pulled out his pistol.  He shot a bullet at one of the wings, the creature growled in protest and kicked Havlor aside tending to its wing.  Havlor stood up and began to walk away, the creature sprung on him and pinned him to the ground.  Opening its mouth again so the green light could pour over his face, Havlor close his eyes as tight as he could.  The light came out in green beams through it's mouth, eyes, and nostrils.  He smelled the horrible fish like breath pouring out from the creature's fangs.  Then something happened, the sun was rising.  The creature's mouth closed, it looked at the sun and brought its horned arms up shielding itself from it.  Havlor opened his eyes to find the creature cowering before it.  Then he saw something that changed his whole life.  Bit by bit he saw the creature slowly become gray and stiff, it shook every now and then.  A layer of some type of mucus covered its body.  It growled, the green light dimmed, than all at once it was still.  Havlor stood, placing his hand on it; it was stone solid stone, almost as if it were a statue.  Then Havlor heard something, there was something moving inside it.  Like a chick breaking the surface of an egg, cracks began to emerge near its lower thigh.  Havlor pulled out his gun pointing it at the statue.  The stone broke and smoke poured out of the gaping whole in the stone creature.  A hand emerged, a human hand.  
"My God", Havlor said as he holstered his pistol and bent down to the hole.  He held his hand out, the small human hand grabbed ahold of it; Havlor pulled the person out.  It was a woman, a small naked woman; she was shivering.  Taking his coat off he placed it on the naked woman's body.  She looked up at him, than all at once it hit Havlor.  It was Minerva; she stood there naked before him shivering in the cool summer morning.  
"Havlor, my god what has happened"?
"Aye, not something I'd be able to understand that be.  Are you alright, what ever that is you are"?
"I'm fine, well I best be on my way before people come and see what's happened.  Are you okay, I hope I didn't hurt you".
"Nothing that a woman hasn't done to me before", Havlor gave her a confused look and a slight chuckle.
"Well I have to go, good luck with finding the ocean", she gave him back his coat.  The small French girl ran across the field into the house naked.  One of the fewer sights that Havlor never forgot.  She grabbed her things and rode off into the sun on the first horse she found.  Havlor never saw her again; cracking his back he headed back to the Bloody Badger and tended his wounds.  Writing in his diary of what had occurred, sure would make an interesting chapter in his life.  Packing his bags and stepping over the dead men on the first floor, the people will have a bit of a shock in the morning.  He never truly found out what those men wanted with her, and what Minerva truly was.  Thought he knew one thing was for sure, he had spent too much time on land.  Putting his things on his boat he whipped his mules and down the Erie Canal he went.  Lying on the front deck of his boat he sipped some rum as he sewed up his wounds.
"Next time an Inn has the word Bloody in the title it be best be to avoid it", Havlor said to himself chuckling.  The sun was up and bright, it was a beautiful day as he left 'The Bloody Badger'.  Walking across the deck he grabbed his fishing rod and sang a little tune.  

"Argh hath I'd be on Clinton's Bitch Ditch

Of which thither be no Stitch

That could settle an itch

Yer prostate doth be smelling of fish"
Just another story I made...
© 2012 - 2024 Shukibaby
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Shukibaby's avatar
thanks man that means a lot, it was inspired by running down a canal path with my dad this summer....what did you think of the ending?